Child Health Action Alerts
Goal: Increase child physical activity through partnering with schools, health departments, and families
The 2018 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommend:
- Children and adolescents ages 6-17 years get at least 60 minutes of physical activity daily, with most of the 60 minutes being either moderate or vigorous intensity aerobic physical activity
- The most current data reveals less than 27% of Kansas children meet this goal
The Kansas State Department of Education's School Wellness Policy Model Guidelines serve as a foundation for establishing a local wellness policy that meets the minimum standards in promoting student health, including adequate physical activity. Here, we highlight key resources for key audiences to help implement the standards in practical ways, with the ultimate goal of increasing physical activity among Kansas children.
Key Resources
Children's Mercy Hospital has provided their Creating Healthy Schools wellness resources with information targeting three groups that can impact children's physical activity: families, school staff and school administrators. For each of the three target audiences there are three school wellness resources to assist you. Click on the picture to open.
School Staff
Physical Activity is not a Punishment:
Physical Activity is not a Punishment: Families
Physical Activity is not a Punishment: School Staff
Physical Activity is not a Punishment: Administrators
Elementary Recess:
Elementary Recess: Families
Elementary Recess: School Staff
Elementary Recess: Administrators
Providing Physical Activity Breaks:
Providing Physical Activity Breaks: Families
Providing Physical Activity Breaks: School Staff
Providing Physical Activity Breaks: Administrators
We hope you find this information helpful. We encourage you to put in place the physical activity strategies for students included here, and to promote the resources among administrators, school staff and students' families.
Social Media Graphics
The graphics below can be shared by local health department and school social media pages to communicate these messages to families. Links to the full-page key resource are displayed on the graphic and the link can also be shared in the post's text.
Physical Activity is not a Punishment:
Elementary Recess:
Providing Physical Activity Breaks: